Are you working in Further Education and Training or in a job where you may come into contact with adults who have difficulty with reading, writing, maths or technology?
Add to your knowledge and skills by registering for one of our free online courses today.
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Literacy awareness
Online courses
This course is the first of two in NALA's Literacy Awareness online series. The second course is 'Becoming literacy friendly'.
In your work, do you have contact with people with unmet literacy needs?
This course will help you to understand the experience and impact of unmet literacy, numeracy and digital literacy needs on adults in Irish society.
By the end of the course you will be able to:
You will receive a NALA Professional Development certificate on successful completion of this course.
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Literacy awareness
Online courses
In your work, do you have contact with people with unmet literacy needs?
This course on becoming literacy friendly will help you to create a literacy friendly service that is person centered.
The course will help you to use a literacy friendly approach in your work.
You will receive a NALA Professional Development certificate on successful completion of this course.
This course is the second of two courses in NALA's Literacy Awareness online series. The first course is Understanding adult literacy, numeracy and digital literacy.
Click here for more information
Preparing resources
Online courses
Are you looking for numeracy resources to use with adult learners?
This guide will show you NALA’s numeracy resources which include:
You will hear from experienced tutors about how they use these resources with learners.
You can find out how to download or order these resources for free.
Click here for more information
Preparing resources
Online courses
This course is designed to help adult literacy tutors to prepare and design learning materials. It looks at the context for developing materials as well as how to plan, design, format and write learning materials. The course gives tips on adapting and simplifying materials and at the end of the course there are sample materials that you can view and download. The course takes about 1 hour to complete.
You will receive a NALA Professional Development certificate on successful completion of this course.
Click here for more information
Integrating literacy
Online courses
This course is designed as an introduction to Integrating Literacy. It is the first of two modules in NALA's Integrating Literacy online course.
This course will give you the opportunity to pause, reflect on and further develop your knowledge about literacy and integrating literacy. The course explores integrating literacy from a whole organisation and from a practitioner perspective.
You will receive a NALA Professional Development certificate on successful completion of this course.
Click here for more information
Integrating literacy
Online courses
This course is a practical guide to Integrating Literacy. It is the second of two modules in NALA's Integrating Literacy online series.
This course will delve deeper into NALA’s Integrating Literacy Guidelines and will provide you with a range of useful templates, resources and tips from experienced tutors, to support you in your work in integrating literacy.
You will receive a NALA Professional Development certificate on successful completion of this course.
Click here for more information
Literacy awareness
Online courses
The Irish Cancer Society and the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) joined forces to produce a short eLearning course for healthcare professionals that explores the benefits of good health literacy practice in cancer care. MSD Ireland funded the course.
The course aims to:
Please note: This course is hosted on and takes about 20 minutes to complete. We recommend you complete it in one sitting as your progress does not save.
For more information on this project, see Irish Cancer Society and NALA launch cancer health literacy eLearning course.
These short courses are great for learning new teaching skills as I can’t travel to training in Dublin.
I did the ‘Integrating Literacy’ course and its really helped me engage students on our apprenticeship programme.